Law of Assumption | Manifesting

Experiencing contrast in your manifestations? Read this.

How to effortlessly use the Law of Assumption — Part 2

bibiana terra


Rokas Aleliunas

Contrast is a word widely used to define circumstances divergent to your manifestation. If you are trying to manifest something and life presents you with the opposite extreme of the thing intended, know that this is how the universe communicates with you: it will show you the things you don’t want so you can decide whether to continue entertaining them or not.

Keep entertaining the feelings you want to feel. And when something you really want shows up in your reality, you need to engage with the feeling of gratitude towards that thing. Basically, this is how you exercise your free will.

Contrast is necessary

Otherwise, how would the universe understand what you really want? The Universe doesn’t speak your language. It has its own way of communicating. Begin to respect this, and learn the language of the Universe — energy. Choose to entertain energies that lead you to your goal.

This doesn’t always mean thinking/feeling positive things. Emotions like anger, jealousy, and pain are also important triggers for our manifestations.

That is because anger, for example, is a motivating energy that makes us take action; jealousy is a reflex of potential recognition (e.g. we feel jealous of the attention someone is receiving because we know we are worthy of that attention too), and pain provides us with moments of introspection that are decisive for the construction of our character.

As humans, we must learn to respect and welcome all of our feelings. In the same way that the Universe communicates through energy, our bodies communicate through emotions, and these, in turn, generate energy so that we can respond to the Universe.

It is important, however, to differentiate between feelings and emotions. Because in the process of manifestation it is possible and probable that you will encounter situations that will bring up very strong emotions. And these emotions must be felt, because they help you to manifest.

Emotions vs. Feelings when manifesting

Emotions are our body’s reactions to the circumstances around us. Feelings, on the other hand, are rooted in beliefs. So when you feel negative emotions during manifestation, it is important that you clear them before they become rooted in your belief system.

The positive emotions that arise while we are manifesting something must continue to be entertained (given attention) throughout the process, because the idea is that they become feelings.

But how to clear a negative emotion?

Easy: by feeling it. And then moving on.

You need to let your body process the bad emotions so that you can release it. You can do this (the emotional release) through writing, dancing, sports, etc. What matters the most while getting rid of “bad” emotions is the intention you set for the practice. For example: you can wash your dishes setting an intention to clear your sadness during this process.

Finally, the most powerful tool is your faith

As I said before, you have to be brainwashed into believing that the Law of Assumption works, otherwise it won’t work. Your belief system defines what is real and what is not. Therefore, you will always be right.

If you think the Law of Assumption doesn’t work, guess what? This is exactly how you will perceive your reality.

Use your faith (regardless of whether it is based in science, spirituality, or in yourself) to be consistent in assuming your desired reality through these practices. Use whatever makes you most comfortable: visualization, affirmations, music etc.

The questions that arise from the mind contain the answers to why the manifestations aren’t here yet. Aren’t you ready to receive? Why? What belief is holding you back?

Having faith is really the most you can do. Trust yourself. Trust the world. And surrender to this universal truth. You can do it!

Want to learn more?

This text is an excerpt from my book "If you want to create your reality, read this!", and it is available on Amazon KDP.

You can purchase my book in a digital format or order the Hardcover version (which contains exclusive content, such as manifesting templates and dream boards).

I hope you achieve every and each one of your dreams!

Love, Terra.

scan the QR Code to find more of my work.



bibiana terra

writer and top #9 podcaster on Spotify Brazil | creator of circular planning